Brankas Support
Product and Application Security
- We identify security, contractual, and regulatory requirements for customer access contractually prior to granting customers access to data, assets, and information systems.
- The data logically segregated by company org_id. We enable Role Based Access Control, which allows the customer to define authentication policies for increased security and granular access control while using our products.
- Our products have full support for audit logging of all user activity.
- Brankas passwords must be sufficiently complex. Password must be:
- minimum eight characters,
- at least one uppercase letter,
- one lowercase letter,
- one number and
- one special character
- To prevent and address code-level vulnerabilities, we utilized secure coding and static code analysis tools In addition, we have several tools to maintain our code quality. This involves linting and analysis tools used in our CI/CD scripts. These scripts are triggered every time there is a code change to run analysis and checks on our codebase.
- Secure Software Development Life Cycle (Secure SDLC) - Prior to release, we validate that the functionality developed and maintained meets its requirements. All new functionality requires testing and peer code review.
- We conduct internal and external vulnerability scans or penetration testing periodically, at least every three months, by working with an independently certified third party to perform the scan.
If you can’t find what you need or need further assistance, contact us.
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